August 2023


~Energy cannot be   created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another~ Why Reiki?It is said that any ailment in the physical body, starts in the energy field.   Reiki is an Eastern medicine (Japanese) technique for stress reduction and relaxation, that promotes healing in the energetic, mental, and physical body. We all have an …

WHY REIKI? Read More »

Reiki and Chronic Pain: Can Reiki Help Provide Comfort?

Reiki and the Chronic Pain Epidemic Chronic pain affects more than 100 million Americans, according to a report released by the Institute of Medicine. Another 10 million people suffer from pain on a near-daily basis in Britain, according to The British Pain Society. Those numbers are just for two countries. Imagine what the worldwide numbers …

Reiki and Chronic Pain: Can Reiki Help Provide Comfort? Read More »